Chris Unitt

My standard changes to a free blog

Every time I set up a new blog I make the same changes before I even start thinking about writing a post.  The following is really just a crib sheet for myself, but someone may find it useful.

A couple of notes first:

Ok, on with it…

Quick list of changes

Making the changes

I’ve ordered this part as per the tabs at the top of the WordPress dashboard, only I’ve gone right to left (NB – no need to change anything under ‘Comments’). There’s method to my madness though.



Remember to click ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of each page where you alter settings.


Themes and widgets are really a matter of personal preference, although I’d always recommend getting rid of Snap Shots (the link previews that pop up when you hover a cursor over some anchor text) and ‘related posts’ (the rarely relevant list of posts on other blogs). They’re both irritating.

