I run a digital analytics and user research agency called One Further. That’s given me the chance to work with some of the greatest cultural organisations around, helping them to do the best possible job of understanding and serving their audiences, patrons, visitors, customers, and whatever they want to call the people they deal with. There’s much more about that on the One Further website.
I send out the Cultural Digital newsletter every other week. That’s popular.
I also speak at events and write articles, usually about the effect of ‘digital’ (in its many guises) on the creative, commercial and promotional aspects of art, culture and creativity. I’ve done that for The Guardian, the Arts Marketing Association, MuseumNext, the Market Research Society, Art of Digital London, IT4Arts, the Association of British Orchestras and plenty of others.
Getting in touch
Have you got something you need my help with? Fantastic! I run a digital consultancy called One Further and can work on all sorts of things (mostly digital analytics, marketing, and the nicely nebulous ‘guidance and strategy’).
The first step is for you to drop me an email, then we can have a chat and see if I’m the best person for the job.
You’re probably best off following me on Twitter and/or connecting on LinkedIn. Generally speaking, if you look up the username ‘chrisunitt’ on most social networks then you’ll find me.
Other things I do/have done
I was the editor of Created in Birmingham. I ran the Birmingham Social Media Cafe and Film Dash. I ran a pop-up arts shop in the Bullring for a few months. I used to be a lawyer (no, really). I once spent a month in Guyana teaching digital skills and admiring the manatees. I doubt anything I ever do will be seen more than this. Unless you count this (gah – video deleted. Basically it was one of those People Are Awesome vids and it had racked up over 120m views).