This weekend I’m giving a talk called ‘Digital trends the arts can’t afford to ignore‘. I’ve been given half an hour and the audience will be people who work in marketing and PR at large theatres across Europe.
I’ve been asked to give my perspective on wider digital trends, seeing as how I’m someone who works predominantly with arts organisations but with a vantage point from just outside the cultural sector. I’ve also been asked to pose some provocative questions about how organisations use or misuse digital, with examples if at all possible (not that I generally need much encouragement to do that).
Unless something comes along between now and then that totally derails my train of thought, here’s what I’m planning to talk about:
- Innovation v competency
- Increasingly digital mindsets and toolkits
- The new competition
- Pure play digital expansion
Apologies if those titles are a little vague. I’m hoping to be able to post the talk here afterwards, so all should become clearer.
However, I thought it’d be interesting to throw the question out there and see what others think are the trends that can’t be ignored (seeking wider input in a thing’s development via crowdsourcing, maybe?).
It might be a little late to totally rejig my talk but if I get enough good suggestions then there might be time to add some comments and tweets into my presentation as part of a quick-fire round (with credit duly given, of course). Either way I’d be fascinated to see what sort of things, big or small, people are keeping an eye on. So here you go…
What digital trends do you think the arts can’t afford to ignore?
Thoughts in the comments or tweet in my direction @chrisunitt.
@ChrisUnitt – for your talk – the emergence of more media literate audiences and their preferred platforms for content interaction
— JemimaCattel-Waltho (@JemimaCattel) November 5, 2013
@ChrisUnitt Collab apps like Vyvlone and Kompoz. Business toolkit apps to help creatives who aren't biz focused. Crowdsourced funding
— Hanna Lee Tidd (@hannatidd) November 5, 2013
@ChrisUnitt haven't been in arts for long but perhaps user generated content on own website & how reviews can influence online conversions?
— Tess Schuberth (@TessSchuberth) November 5, 2013
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